Every year, malformations of the frenulum of the upper and lower lips are gaining relevance and increasing as a result of environmental disturbances, a large number of chemical additives in everyday foods, and the functional state of the periodontium largely depends on the anatomical features of the structure of the dental system and the soft tissue formations of the vestibule of the oral cavity. Predisposing factors, which include a small vestibule, the level of attachment of the labial frenulum, and dentoalveolar anomalies, confirm the fact that they influence the development of periodontal pathology. [Elizarova V.M., 1982; Ivanov B.S., 1981; Kuzmina E.M., 1995; Kolesov A.A., Zhilina V.V., 1991; Persia L.S., 1995, etc.] In most cases, the main prerequisites for expanding the gum zone and plastic surgery of the oral vestibule are registered facts of the initial manifestation of pathological changes in the periodontium, speech and in the development of the dentofacial system. There is an opinion that “low attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip, short frenulum of the tongue, and lower lip are inherited.” Consequently, they are formed in the prenatal period, and their abnormal conditions are diagnosed in the postnatal period, from the first days of the child’s life.
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