Results of studying the effectiveness of Sinosan in the treatment of children with chronic adenoiditis

Results of studying the effectiveness of Sinosan in the treatment of children with chronic adenoiditis


  • Kh.E. Shaykhova Tashkent Medical Academy
  • G.S. Haydarova Tashkent Medical Academy
  • G.B. Pulatova Central polyclinic No. 1 MSO RU


chronic adenoditis, nasopharyngeal tonsil, adenoids


Pathology of the nasopharyngeal tonsil is often found among long-term ill children and often causes disruption of the child’s nasal breathing and, as the process progresses, often leads to the formation of a chronic lesion with the subsequent development of chronic adenoiditis. Purpose of the study: to study the dynamics of symptoms and changes in the size of adenoid vegetations when the drug Sinosan is included in the regimen of conservative treatment of chronic adenoiditis in children. Material and methods of research: 228 patients aged from 3 to 12 years were examined, with a diagnosis of chronic adenoiditis established on the basis of symptoms, endoscopic and radiological studies. Of these, there were 104 boys and 124 girls. All patients underwent a clinical examination, an endoscopic examination of the nasopharynx, and, if necessary, an X-ray examination was performed at the beginning and end of treatment. All patients were examined on the day of treatment, on the 15th and 30th day of treatment. Conclusions: based on the disappearance of symptoms, endoscopy data of the nasal cavity, X-ray examination data, and high efficiency, we can conclude that the drug Sinosan can be recommended in the complex treatment of chronic adenoiditis in children from 3 to 12 years of age.


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