Current issues of anatomy and pathology of the pharyngeal tonsyls

Current issues of anatomy and pathology of the pharyngeal tonsyls


  • F.Kh. Agzamkhodzhaev Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers, Uzbekistan


pharyngeal tonsil, history, anatomy, pathology, course


Limphoid tissue of the pharynx plays an important role in the life of the body. Considering that the pharyngeal tonsil has only been thoroughly studied in the last 200 years, we can say that we have made great strides. Previously, the pathology of the pharyngeal tonsil was either not studied or was not paid attention to. But over the years, with the development of research methods, we obtain new data. In this regard, the incidence rate has reached its peak in recent years, which is associated with the introduction and availability of endoscopic methods in ENT practice. This even shattered the previously thought that the pharyngeal tonsil undergoes involution with age. And it showed that adults can also have pharyngeal tonsils, and the incidence is slightly higher than previously thought. It is also due to the similarity of complaints and is associated with other nasal diseases. Hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil in adults has been studied superficially, which requires additional research and work in this area.


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