Study the effectiveness of video endoscopy and acoustic impendance measurement of the auditory tube

Study the effectiveness of video endoscopy and acoustic impendance measurement of the auditory tube


  • N.A. Usmanova
  • N.E. Makhkamova


video endoscopy, acoustic impedance measurement, auditory tube dysfunction


This study assessed the capabilities of endoscopy of the nasal cavity, nasopharynx and acoustic impendansometry in the diagnosis of dysfunction of the auditory tube. Children from 3 to 16 years old took part in the study. 32 patients with otitis media were recruited as cases and 20 healthy patients as controls. Of the 32 patients in the main group, CT dysfunction was identified in 26 by endoscopic imaging and in 24 by acoustic impendometry. Among the 20 patients in the control group, 15 were identified as healthy, without ENT pathology, by endoscopy, and 17 by acoustic impendometry.


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