Questionnaire of patients to assess the condition of the voice forming apparatus, as one of the methods for early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease
Parkinson's disease, speech disorders, voice changesAbstract
Parkinson's disease is a chronic degenerative disease of the nervous system, accompanied by trembling of the arms and legs, impoverishment of movements and a gradual slowing of thought processes, and depression. Symptoms of the disease tend to get worse over time. There are no specific biomarkers and research methods that accurately confirm this pathology. Making a correct diagnosis from a specialist requires a long time to differentiate the disease from other diseases; as a result, the patient does not receive any therapeutic help, but is only in a state of searching for an answer for a long time. This review is devoted to optimizing research methods for Parkinson's disease by studying disorders in the voice-speech apparatus of patients, through questioning with the “Voice handicap index” questionnaire. This method represents a promising area of research for further understanding the pathophysiology of the disease and offers potential for use as an early diagnostic marker in disease progression.
Keywords: Parkinson's disease, speech disorders, voice changes.
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