Organization of a set of measures to provide assistance to children with hearing impairments and evaluation of their effectiveness

Organization of a set of measures to provide assistance to children with hearing impairments and evaluation of their effectiveness


  • Inoyatova F.I. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Pediatrics
  • Rizaev J.A. Samarkand State Medical University
  • Primako V.I. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Pediatrics
  • Nadjimutdinova N.Sh. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Pediatrics
  • Usmanova S.B. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Pediatrics
  • Karimov J.J. Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Pediatrics


sensoneural hearing loss, children, rehabilitation


Purpose of the study. The above dictates the need to develop a set of measures to help children with hearing impairments. Material and methods. A contingent of patients with hearing loss who applied to the ENT departments of hospitals in the Republic of Uzbekistan was studied. There were a total of 1412 children aged 6.5±1.6 years. Research results. The number of patients who applied to the ENT department with hearing loss in 2015-2016. amounted to 1412 patients – 871 and 541 patients in 2015 and 2016. respectively. Extended audiological examination revealed SNT in 1228 (87%) patients. CI operations were performed on 245 children and a local program of deaf-pedagogical rehabilitation was launched. According to the monitoring results, the auditory sphere was at the level of a hearing child in 97.2% of children - that is, complete restoration of hearing with the perception of not only sounds but speech was noted in 217 (88.6%) children, unsatisfactory results were in 28 (11.4% ) and were associated with problems with the speech processor and a silent period of more than 2 months. Conclusions. A set of measures to effectively provide assistance to children with hearing impairments consists of early intervention to restore the child’s hearing, a multidisciplinary approach to the implementation of a children’s rehabilitation program, regular monitoring of hearing status and the effectiveness of devices (speech processor, hearing aid).


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