Results of the frequency of occurrence of alleles and genotypes of the rs2412971 745G>A HORMAD2 gene polymorphism in various forms of chronic tonsillitis

Results of the frequency of occurrence of alleles and genotypes of the rs2412971 745G>A HORMAD2 gene polymorphism in various forms of chronic tonsillitis


  • A.Z. Shaumarov Tashkent Medical Academy
  • U.S. Xasanov Tashkent Medical Academy
  • J.A. Djurayev Tashkent Medical Academy


chronic tonsillitis, hereditary factor, genetic factor


The palatine tonsils are part of a collection of lymphoid tissues that are located at the entrance to the respiratory and digestive tracts. Anatomically, the structure of their crypts greatly increases the epithelial surface area available for contact with environmental agents, which, together with their strategic location, makes the tonsils the first part of the immune system to respond to antigens [1,2,3]. Chronic tonsillitis is a very common disease among adults and children, and is also part of hereditary diseases, or so-called multifactorial diseases. In this regard, to clarify the reasons for the development of this pathology, it is not unimportant to study the heredity of the development of chronic tonsillitis [4,5]. Some researchers believe that the cause of the development of chronic tonsillitis is a hereditary factor, while others pay more attention to the genetic factor in the development of this disease [6,7].


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