Functional changes in the nasal mucosa in seasonal allergic rhinitis
seasonal allergic rhinitis, diagnosis, allergens, functional studies, nasal mucosaAbstract
In terms of prevalence, medical and social significance, impact on the health and quality of life of patients, AR ranks first among other allergic diseases. The purpose of the study was to study functional changes in the nasal mucosa during seasonal allergic rhinitis. The results of the study showed that in patients with SAD living in the eastern foothills, symptoms of exacerbation of SAD appear earlier than residents of the center of the Fergana region and last a little longer, which is due to the “wind rose” of the Fergana Valley and earlier dusting of weeds. Symptoms and comorbid allergic pathologies, as well as the functional state of the nasal cavity and its mucous membrane are almost identical in all patients with SAR, regardless of place of residence.
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