Endoscopy in the diagnosis of chronic exudative otitis media in children

Endoscopy in the diagnosis of chronic exudative otitis media in children


  • J.A. Shodiev Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • U.N. Vokhidov Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • N.Kh. Vokhidov Bukhara State Medical Institute




otitis media with effusion, childhood, etiology, pathogenesis


This review presents various views on the etiopathogenesis of otitis media with effusion in children. The material for this review was scientific publications on this topic, published over the past 10 years in the E-library and PubMed databases. The review showed that the pathogenesis of otitis media with effusion has several options for the development of the inflammatory process in the middle ear, which requires careful research and correct diagnosis.


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