Application of probiotics in the treatment of patients with chronic pharyngitis

Application of probiotics in the treatment of patients with chronic pharyngitis


  • Kh.E. Shaykhova Tashkent Medical Academy
  • G.S. Khaydarova Tashkent Medical Academy
  • N. Isamiddinova Tashkent Medical Academy


chronic pharyngitis, microbiological examination, streptococcus


The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of oral administration of the probiotic Streptococcus salivarius K 12 based on the study of adaptive reactions of the pharyngeal mucosa in its chronic inflammation. Our experience with the use of Streptococcus salivarius K 12 probotic drug showed its clinical efficacy in the treatment of patients with catarrhal and hypertrophic forms of chronic pharyngitis, as well as the possibility of using this drug in the treatment of chronic atrophic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa.


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