Frequency of superior retrognathia in children with deviated nasal septum

Frequency of superior retrognathia in children with deviated nasal septum


  • M.G. Bobokhonov Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
  • R.I. Matmurotov Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
  • S.A. Khasanov Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
  • G.K. Babakhanov Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute



nasal septum deformation, retrognathia of the maxilla, cephalometry, retroposition of the nasal cavity


Objectives of the study: to evaluate the morphotopogeometric position of the nasal cavity with respect
to the plane of the anterior part of the skull base (lines N-S) using the method of lateral cephalometry and to study
the morphological characteristics of the nasal septum in cases of deviated nasal septum in children with retrognathia
of the upper jaw by endorhinoscopy. A prospective general otorhinolaryngological and orthodontic examination was
performed in 189 patients (112 boys and 77 girls) aged 7 to 18 years. In the analysis of Steiner's lateral cephalometry, the
angle SNA served to indicate the position of the maxilla in relation to the base of the skull. Conclusions: The incidence
of retrognathia of the upper jaw in children with deviated septum was 12.7% of cases. With retrognathia (retroposition)
of the upper jaw, the nasal cavity (and its structures, including the nasal septum) was abnormally located posteriorly,
i.e. a morphotopogeometric retroposition of the nasal cavity (retronasalia) was noted! At the same time, the presence
of a characteristic “wave” of curvature of the nasal septum cartilage in the form of an accordion, folded in the sagittal
(anterior-posterior) direction, was found.


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