Eurasian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery 2025-03-09T10:06:42+00:00 Editor Open Journal Systems <p><em>Eurasian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery</em>, is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing on all aspects and sub-specialties of otolaryngology-head &amp; neck surgery.</p> Main characteristics of modern intranasal splints 2025-02-28T14:37:52+00:00 G.S. Khaydarova I.S. Khakimov N.Sh. Jumayev Sh.В. Khakimova <p>In recent years, the use of intranasal splints in septoplasty has been actively discussed in the literature. <br>Various types of splints exist, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The results of surgery can vary signi cantly <br>depending on the chosen type of splint and the methods of its application. This article examines the existing types of <br>intranasal splints, their eff ectiveness in the postoperative period, and potential complications. Current clinical guidelines <br>for the use of splints will also be analyzed, and the prospects for their further development will be discussed. Based on the <br>presented data, it can be concluded that the eff ectiveness of intranasal splints in preventing postoperative complications <br>and enhancing patient comfort is supported by numerous clinical studies. However, the choice of a speci c type of <br>splint should be based on the individual characteristics of the patient, the nature of the surgical intervention, and the <br>preferences of the surgeon.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Main causes of unsatisfactory results in septoplasty 2025-03-04T19:05:13+00:00 G.S. Khaydarova I.S. Khakimov F.N. Norjigitov H.D. Khalilov <p>In adults, the surgical correction of deviated nasal septum, or septoplasty, is the most commonly performed<br>procedure by otolaryngologists. The aim of this review is to analyze the main causes of failures in primary septoplasty<br>and to compare the frequency of overlooked nasal pathologies and iatrogenic factors associated with this procedure.<br>Although this literature analysis includes many signi 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Results of the analysis of MBL2 gene polymorphism in alleles and genotypes in the development of nasopharyngeal tonsil 2025-03-04T19:25:56+00:00 U.S. Khasanov J.A. Djuraev Kh.A. Mardonov I.O. Soatov D.M. Khodjaeva R.A. Khakimov <p>Genetic analyses, results, and descriptions are presented in the diagnosis and prediction of hypertrophy<br>of the nasopharynx. A total of 140 people between the ages of 18 and 60 were examined in our research. 71 group 1, 40<br>group 2 patients and 29 healthy controls were taken from them with the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy.<br>In order to study the polymorphism of genes in the development of hypertrophy of the nasopharynx, molecular genetic<br>tests were conducted on the MBL2 gene, the results were analyzed, the average age of the examined patients was<br>42,5±3,14 years.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Results of сomparative analysis of TLR4 gene rs498691 polymorphism in development of nasopharyngeal tonsil 2025-03-04T19:38:13+00:00 U.S. Khasanov J.A. Djuraev Kh.A. Mardonov I.O. Soatov D.M. Khodjaeva R.A. Khakimov <p>Genetic analyses, results, and descriptions are presented in the diagnosis and prediction of hypertrophy<br>of the nasopharynx. A total of 140 people between the ages of 18 and 60 were examined in our research. 71 group 1, 40<br>group 2 patients and 29 healthy controls were taken from them with the diagnosis of nasopharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy.<br>In order to study the polymorphism of genes in the development of hypertrophy of the nasopharynx, molecular genetic<br>tests were conducted on the TLR4 gene, the results were analyzed, the average age of the examined patients was<br>42,5±3,14 years.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Speech audiometry through the prism of modern audiology 2025-03-09T07:11:58+00:00 A.U. Kudaibergenova G.A. Mukhamadieva A.A. Abilev <p>This article is devoted to the issues of speech audiometry. Speech audiometry is one of the important methods for assessing the effectiveness of hearing aids or cochlear implantation. The article describes the history of the development of RA to the present day and its application in the practice of an audiologist. Evaluation of the effectiveness of cochlear implantation includes free-field audiometry, speech audiometry and questionnaires according to the child’s age. Today, speech tests have been developed in different languages and are used in the practice of audiologists and teachers of the deaf.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Comparative aspects of surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis 2025-03-09T07:18:49+00:00 Kh.E. Karabaev E.S. Nizamova Sh.R. Mamatova <p>Currently, there is a wide variety of different methods of tonsillectomy, most of which are based on various options for physical impact on tissue; each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, the choice of one or another tosillectomy method directly depends on many factors (the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases), and the effectiveness of its assessment should be carried out according to certain criteria, both in relation to the surgeon and in relation to the patient . Despite the wide choice of methods, the tonsillectomy technique is still not perfect, even despite the long path of its development.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The incidence of chronic rhinosinusitis in children with congenital heart defects by referral to a medical institution 2025-03-09T08:55:38+00:00 N.N. Tukhtasinov <p>Chronic rhinosinusitis is a common pathology among adults and children. Congenital heart defects account for a significant part of cardiovascular diseases in children. Due to the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases of the ENT organs among the child population and the lack of research on the incidence of chronic rhinosinusitis in children with congenital heart defects, it is urgent to study this problem. The aim of the study is to study the prevalence of various forms of chronic rhinosinusitis among children with congenital heart defects based on the analysis of primary documents of the cardiologist of the consultative polyclinic, the department of cardiac surgery and the otorhinolaryngological service, consisting of an outpatient office and the department of pediatric otorhinolaryngology of the Andijan regional Multidisciplinary Children's Medical Center for 2021-2023. The study included patients with CHD from various regions of the Andijan region suffering from CRS. A total of 116 CHD patients suffering from CRS aged 3-16 years were included in the study. According to the study, patients with CRS accounted for 5.2% of the total number of patients with CHD. HRV without polyps accounted for more than half of the cases in patients with CHD. In 32.7% of CHD patients, a polypous (primary) form of CRS was detected, the most common was the II degree of the polypous process. In 48.3% of patients, chronic inflammatory process of the nose and ONP was combined with other pathologies of the ENT organs. It should be noted that periodic medical examinations in cities and districts contribute to the early detection and timely treatment of CHD in various segments of the child population. Key words: children, congenital heart defects (CHD), chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 omparative analysis of the medical and social aspects of the course of vasomotor rhinitis in patients 2025-03-09T08:59:17+00:00 G.U. Nurova <p>According to the World Health Organization, to date, studies have found that despite the implementation of a set of measures, vasomotor rhinitis is one of the most common diseases and in recent years the number of patients with this pathology has been increasing. It was revealed "... that every third person on earth suffers from vasomotor rhinitis and in recent decades there has been an increase in the proportion of this pathology..."1. According to many authors, disintegration of the nasal passages is the most common surgical treatment for vasomotor rhinitis. It is performed using mechanical, laser beam, ultrasound. The use of these technologies in the treatment of patients with vasomotor rhinitis is not effective enough, complications and relapses of the disease requiring repeated surgical intervention have been recorded. Therefore, studies to improve the effectiveness of the surgical method of treating patients with vasomotor rhinitis are still relevant in otorhinolaryngology.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Clinical examination analysis of gum recession in different age groups 2025-03-09T09:08:21+00:00 E.E. Sabirov Sh.A. Boymuradov <p>The problem of surgical elimination of gum recession is still far from being resolved. Of the total number of periodontal diseases, gum recession accounts for 10%. Gum recession increases with age:occurs in various manifestations from 15% in children, approaching 90% after 65 years. Recession can be a physiological process of aging, as well as the result of progressive inflammatory and destructive processes in periodontal tissues. Various in shape and depth, this periodontal pathology has confronted scientists with the need to develop methods and means that make it possible to most aesthetically eliminate various forms of this periodontal pathology.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Results of a clinical-cytomorphological study conducted to identify different forms of chronic polyposis rhinosinusitis 2025-03-09T09:12:26+00:00 J.А. Djuraev I.O. Soatov G.A. Rakhimjanova Kh.A. Mardonov <p>In the course of the study, we summarized our clinical observations on 46 patients with rhinosinusitis with polyps aged 18 to 60 years and 31 volunteers in the control group, using blood, nasal mucosal smears, polyps and other tissue samples extracted during surgery. When the micropreparation was viewed under a microscope, the growth of polyp tissue with a smooth surface from light brown to white, in some cases with a rough surface, soft consistency, size from 0.5x0.5 cm to 3x4.5 cm was noted.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Results of the clinical and instrumental examination of patients with maxillary sinus cysts 2025-03-09T09:18:10+00:00 U.S. Khasanov J.A. Djuraev A.I. Mukhiddinov <p>Chronic sinusitis (CS) is a common disease in otolaryngology. Cysts of the paranasal sinuses (CPS) play an important role in the structure of the CNS. According to foreign sources, chronic maxillary sinus cysts accounted for approximately 24% of hospitalized patients in 2021. This data corresponds to data from world literature. It is known that most maxillary sinus cysts are asymptomatic, and in almost 80% of cases they are radiographic findings.[2] The etiology of chronic maxillary sinus cysts is unclear: they may be associated with allergic and other inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane of the PNS, trauma, periapical and periodontal infections, and even changes in relative humidity and room temperature [4].</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Analysis of the results of surgical treatment of maxillary sinus cysts 2025-03-09T09:22:35+00:00 U.S. Khasanov J.A. Djuraev A.I. Mukhiddinov <p>Among all forms of chronic sinusitis, maxillary sinus cysts (MSC) are the most common pathology. According to various authors, the prevalence of cysts in the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, in turn, ranges from 3.5-16.4%. Depending on the diagnostic method used by sinus pathologists, the figures can vary significantly. Thus, according to the CT scan of the paranasal sinuses, the incidence of congenital sinusitis in the general population ranges from 1.4% to 35.6%. Cyst of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus is a benign tumor that occurs as a result of the closure of the seromuscular gland canal in the mucous membrane of the sinus or as a result of fluid accumulation between the epithelial layer and the mucous membrane. In the first case, the pathological process leads to the accumulation of the mucous membrane and the enlargement of the gland cyst. Such cysts are called secretory cysts of the mucous membrane, or retention cysts. Retinal cysts are covered with epithelium and contain mucous or serous fluid. In the second case, they talk about secretory cysts of the mucous membrane.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Etiopathogenetic aspects of precancerous diseases of the larynx 2025-03-09T09:27:59+00:00 S.H. Muminov D.Sh. Khojimetov <p>Precancerous changes can only be detected under a microscope, with a high risk of in ltrative growth, multiple foci of atypical growth of immature epithelium are detected. This leads to an increase in the number of low-grade tumors of the larynx (LDT), morbidity and mortality. The problem of early diagnosis and diff erentiation of precancerous, in ammatory and neoplastic diseases is also relevant.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Topical issues of vasomotor rhinitis in children 2025-03-09T09:34:39+00:00 U.S. Khasanov Sh.S. Abdurakhimova <p>Vasomotor rhinitis is characterized by a long, persistent course and its treatment is a complex and difficult task. The purpose of this review is to study the current issues of diagnosis and treatment of vasomotor rhinitis in children. The review material consisted of scientific publications over the past 10 years, published in the international databases E-library, Scopus and Web of Science. Thus, it follows that the study of vasomotor rhinitis in children is relevant and requires further research.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Results of aesthetic analysis and interdisciplinary research in patients after complete restoration of the teeth 2025-03-09T09:39:13+00:00 Sh.A. Boymuradov D.G. Kuranbaeva <p>This article presents the results of aesthetic analysis and interdisciplinary research after the complete restoration of dental arches in patients. It has been demonstrated that the mutual interaction of the dental arches plays a crucial role in the morphological and functional unity of the stomatognathic system. Their integrity is an essential condition for the physiological functioning of the oral cavity. When there are dental anomalies, chewing function, speech, and aesthetics are impaired. Even the absence of a single tooth negatively affects not only the function of the masticatory apparatus but also the psychological state of the individual and the overall health of the body. The loss of teeth primarily disrupts the process of chewing food, which in turn negatively affects digestion. The absence of teeth also affects the patient's articulation and communicative abilities, which may have a significant impact on their psychoemotional state. Long-term defects in the dental arches lead to distal displacement of the temporomandibular joint, causing disruptions in the anatomy and function of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) as well as in the activity of the facial musculature and nervous system. Total edentulism (complete tooth loss) leads to significant changes in the facial skeleton.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 The diagnosis of ear developmental anomalies: a modern view on problem 2025-03-09T09:43:11+00:00 S.R. Yusupova <p>Congenital anomaly of the development of the hearing organ is a very serious pathology, as it can be accompanied by impaired auditory function, which leads to speech impairment and disability of the patient. The purpose of the review is to study different views on the diagnosis of anomalies of the external and middle ear. The review materials include publications over the past 10 years devoted to the problem of developmental anomalies of the external and middle ear. The review showed that if congenital anomalies are suspected, a CT scan of the temporal bone should be performed.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Modern view on the issues of treatment of atrophic rhinitis 2025-03-09T09:47:10+00:00 Sh.E. Amonov M.M. Yakubov <p>Atrophic rhinitis is a chronic inflammatory process characterized by atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity with the involvement of glands, nasal turbinates and elements of the peripheral innervation of the nose in the pathological process. The purpose of this review is to address current issues of treatment of atrophic rhinitis. The review material included scientific publications over the past 10 years, published in the international databases E-library, Scopus and Web of Science. Thus, it follows that the study of atrophic rhinitis is relevant and requires further research.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Application of intellan in comprehensive treatment of patients with sensoneural hearing loss 2025-03-09T09:51:15+00:00 G.S. Agzamova Sh.K. Umrzokov B.M. Raupov <p>The report discusses the use of the drug "Intellan" in the complex treatment of patients with sensorineural hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss is a condition characterized by impaired hearing due to damage to the auditory nerve or inner ear, often requiring medical intervention. "Intellan" possesses neuroprotective, vasodilatory, and antioxidant properties, which may contribute to the improvement of auditory functions in patients with this condition. The paper presents the results of clinical studies, analyzes changes in patients' conditions during treatment, and evaluates the effect of the drug on various forms of sensorineural hearing loss. Special attention is given to the effectiveness of "Intellan" as part of a comprehensive treatment regimen, as well as the possible mechanisms of its action. Additionally, the article discusses the main causes of sensorineural hearing loss and offers recommendations for optimizing the treatment of this condition using this drug.</p> 2025-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025