Prospects for the use of buccal grafts in the surgical treatment of congenital cleft palate
congenital cleft lip and palate, muco-periosteal flap, Bichat lumps, uranoplasty, buccal muscle, autonomization of the graftAbstract
The issues of optimization of surgical treatment of congenital cleft lip and palate (CCLP) do not lose their relevance. The varying frequency of complications and the need for repeated surgery after uranoplasty by various methods necessitate the development of new more effective algorithms for surgical treatment (flap formation, suturing, etc.). Currently, of great interest is the use of a buccal mucomuscular flap (MMF) and a fat pad (Bichat lumps) for the correction of oral defects of various localization. This review of the scientific literature is devoted to the study of algorithms for the formation of modifications of buccal MMF, the production of buccal fat, the features of clinical protocols of operations, the effectiveness of their application in clinical practice.
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