The effectiveness of therapeutic positioning taking into account remodeling factors in the conservative treatment of mandibular hypoplasia in children
The article provides a brief review of the literature and an analysis of the results of assessing the health status of 28 children with hemifacial microsomia (HFM) in children with the involvement of pediatric specialists. The results of a 3-year observation of a patient with HFM at stages 1 and 2 of the somatic and orthodontic method with therapeutic positioning with the creation of conditions for self-regulation and recovery processes are presented. Taking into account the age and condition of the teeth, well-known removable plate devices were used. They indicate the effectiveness of conservative treatment with an interdisciplinary approach. The overall effect of this approach to treatment was manifested first in the improvement of neurological status and breathing, the cessation or significant reduction in the intensity of cephalalgia, improvement of sleep, digestion and other indicators. The results of the studies also confirm the improvement in the remodeling of the lower, upper jaws and other facial bones with a tendency to equalize linear and angular parameters, the possibility of improving (reforming) the shape of the lower jaw when carrying out a gentle conservative method of treating children during the growth period. They indicate the effectiveness of conservative comprehensive treatment with an interdisciplinary approach.
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