Improved technique of correction of gingival margin of removable dentures basis in partial absence of teeth

Improved technique of correction of gingival margin of removable dentures basis in partial absence of teeth



removable prosthetics, dental health, prevention of oral mucosal trauma (OMT)


Background. Prevention of gingival papilla trauma during the fabrication of removable dentures in the partial absence of teeth is an urgent task for dentists-clinicians. Existing methods in the clinic are not effective, often lead to a violation of the functional properties of the prosthesis to the trauma of the gingival papilla of natural teeth. Our proposed method ensures functional fullness of dentures and no trauma to the oral mucosa. Aim. Development and implementation in the practice of clinical dentistry of a simple and accessible method for effective isolation of the gingival margin of the oral mucosa from injuries of partial removable dentures. Material and methods. Partial removable dentures were made according to our method for 25 patients with Kennedy class 1 dental defects. (10 men, 15 women, aged 50-75 years). The laboratory stages of the proposed method were developed. Results. All patients received partial dentures according to our method. We noted quick and high quality fitting of prostheses. We revealed successful chewing process, improvement of diction and absence of multiple corrections. Follow-up for 1-2 years. No complaintsreceived. Conclusion. The results of the studies have shown that the proposed technique "Correction of the gingival margin of removable dentures in partial dentition" has a successful clinical effect. We propose for general dental practice.

Author Biographies

N.S. Ruzuddinov, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor

S.A. Gafforov, Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekista

Doctor of medical sciences, professor

S. Ruzuddinov , Higher Medical and Dental College of Professor Ruzuddinova

Doctor of medical sciences, professor

M.K. Shayakhmetova , Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov

Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor

A.S. Ruzdenova, Kazakh-Russian Medical University

Assistant of the department


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