Prevention and treatment of complications after tooth extraction in patients with chronic hepatitis
Despite a large number of studies conducted in the field of dentistry, including in the field of surgical dentistry, the etiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory complications after tooth extraction have not been fully determined. This slows down the healing process of the hole and the normal formation of bone tissue. At the same time, the occurrence of complications is facilitated by the presence of concomitant pathology in patients. According to new WHO estimates, "... there are 354 million people worldwide living with chronic hepatitis B and C. In the European region, 14 and 12 million people live with hepatitis B and C – one of the main causes of cirrhosis and liver cancer, respectively ...". Currently, viral liver diseases are one of the global problems not only of a medical, but also of a social nature. First of all, this is due to the significant prevalence of viral hepatitis, despite preventive measures. An urgent problem of modern surgical dentistry is the improvement of methods of prevention and treatment after tooth extraction in patients with chronic hepatitis.
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