Morphometric and clinical and dental conditions of the maxillofacial region in patients with cerebral palsy
Relevance. There is an increase in cerebral palsy (CP), based on this, the structure and frequency of dental pathologies in patients with CP are estimated, while morphometric parameters of the face (MP/F) and social factors of families are taken into account, the importance of the age group being a high-risk contingent for the development of pathology of the organs of the dental system (DS). The aim of the study was to determine the morphological, clinical and dental condition of the maxillofacial organs in children and adolescents with CP. Material and methods. Comprehensive anthropometric, dental, laboratory and sociological studies were conducted in 299 children and adolescents from 6 to 18 years old, including 143 with CP (the main group - MG) and 156 somatically healthy (the control group - CG) in need of dental care. The results of the study were evaluated by age groups; 30.8% aged 6-9 years (MG-1); 27.3% - 10-13 years (MG-2); 42.0% - 14-18 years (MG-3); with CG - 37.2% (CG-1); 39.1% (CG-2) and 23.7% (CG-3), as well as by gender. Results. It was found that patients with MG demonstrated poor hygiene of the OC (OHI-S) within 3.0 ± 0.94; Plaque Index - 3.0 ± 0.84, while it was noted that the number of incised teeth is less, and affected teeth with caries are more in patients with MG compared to CG. When comparing the parameters of the head circumference diameter, the longitudinal diameter of the head, the transverse size of the head, the vertical or height diameter of the head, the transverse size of the forehead, the zygomatic and mandibular diameter in patients with CP, the growth rate is markedly different from the norm.
Conclusion. Especially in MG-2, the proportions of the parts of the face do not correspond to the number of Fibanacci, MP/ F, with CP they are a contingent of high risk for deformation of the organs of the OC and bones of the DS.
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