Anthropometric characteristics of the skull bones and deformities of the organs of the dentition in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy
Relevance. According to the results of the study, an increase in cerebral palsy (ICP) in Uzbekistan was noted, with these results, the authors studied the morphometric parameters and deformations of the teeth and dentition in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. It has been established that the studied contingent is at a very high risk for the development of deformation of the teeth and dentition, and the relationship with the morphometric growths of the oblique elements of the dentoalveolar system has also been proven. The aim of the study: to comparatively study the clinical and morphological dimensions of the bones of the head and FFS in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy and determine the degree of occurrence of deformation of the teeth and dentition. Material and methods. A comprehensive clinical and morphometric study was carried out in 299 children and adolescents. Of these, 143 patients with cerebral palsy (main group - MG), 156 patients (control group - CG) need only dental care. Assessing the parameters of the head, face, FFS, bone-tooth age and orthodontic condition. Results. It has been established that MV/L and EF/L in children and adolescents have smaller MG in size than in the studied CG. The growth rates of morphometric parameters of the face in CG are almost the same at even intervals of time, while in OG they change abruptly or remain unchanged, also, the growth rates of the boys from the CG are lower than those of the OG boys, while the ratio of parts of the face does not correspond to the Fibonacci number. Also, 49.6% distal occlusion was determined among patients with OH; -37.8% cross occlusion; -31.6% neutral occlusion; -29.9% deep incisal occlusion; -25.9% deep incisal disocclusion; - 54.5% narrowing of the lower dentition; -43.3% crowding of teeth in the lower jaw; -26.6% diastema; - three teeth 23.8%. Conclusion: Thus, in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy, the proportions of the parts of the face do not correspond to the Fibanacci number, as a result, lead to deformation of the bones of the AP, including numerous pathologies of the teeth and bones of the face.
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