Comparative analysis of the efficiency of treatment methods with calcium hydroxide apexification and rutdent-canalofiler in the treatment of periodontitis of permanent teeth with unformed roots
Background. Recently, new methods of modern endodontic treatment have increasingly appeared. The uncomplicated treatment of rootless permanent teeth remains a challenge among endodontic procedures. Aim. to conduct a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of Ca(OH)2 apexification treatment methods and Rutdent canal filler in the treatment of periodontitis in immature permanent teeth. Materials and methods: 30 patients aged 7 to 15 years with periodontitis of permanent teeth with unformed roots were recruited to the children's dental clinic of the Bukhara region. Result: According to the results of the analysis, root formation lasted from 3 to 18 months after filling with calcium hydroxide and from 2 to 12 months after filling with Rootdent canal filler. An increase in root length was observed in 60% of all cases. Conclusion: Indications for apexification with calcium hydroxide - in teeth of III and IV stages of root formation, filling 1/3 of the root canal after a Rootdent filling can be an indication, regardless of the stage of root formation, if there are signs of resorption of the tooth root.
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