The use of integral leukocyte indicators in the diagnosis of intolerance to metallic inclusions
Background: Despite significant advances in the field of materials science and improvement of the quality of manufacturing dentures, various authors note patients with complaints of intolerance from 0.6 to 12%. Along with complications in the oral cavity, pathological processes can also occur in other organs and systems. An important pathogenetic moment in the development of intolerance to dentures is a change in the biochemical composition of the oral fluid, the homeostasis of which changes even when using toothpastes. The aim of study was to evaluate the features of changes in integral leukocyte indices in patients with partial secondary adentia after dental prosthetics. Material and methods. 27 patients with partial secondary adentia under going outpatient treatment were examined. Of these, there were 15 women (55.5%), 12 men (44.4%). The average age of the patients was 44.3+0.69 years. All patients were replaced with dental row defects with bridge-shaped dentures. Simultaneously with the dental studies, we used a number of integral mathematical indices to assess the level of endogenous intoxication (EI). Before and after prosthetics, mixed saliva with a volume of 2-3 drops was collected on a slide to determine the leukogram and integral mathematical indices. Results. The analysis of the obtained results showed that in the mixed saliva before prosthetics in the examined persons there was an increase in the proportion of the number of epithelial cells and eosinophils. The increase in the content of epithelial cells is probably due to increased apoptosis or necrosis of the oral mucosa due to changes in the rheological properties of saliva, mechanical damage and changes in the number of functionally active cellular organelles present in healthy individuals with preserved dental system. Conclusion. After prosthetics, there is a decrease in endogenous intoxication of the body, the severity of the inflammatory process, changes in the ratio of migrating cells in the oral cavity, a decrease in the allergy index, and an improvement in the hygienic condition of oral tissues.
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