Comparative analysis of the immediate results of the application of the proposed complex of preventive tactical and technical aspects of plasty of cicatricial defects of the face and neck
This article presents a comparative analysis of the results of the tactical and technical aspects of the preventive complex of improved and developed methods for eliminating cicatricial deformity and contractures after face and neck burns. 211 patients involved in various surgical interventions were selected for the study.
Thus, the improvement of preventive tactical and technical aspects of surgical treatment of post-burn cicatricial deformities in the face and neck area made it possible to reduce the incidence of specific complications in the immediate period after all types of plastic surgery from 15.6% ± 2.3% (in 38 out of 243 patients in the group comparison) up to 4.7%±1.5% (in 10 out of 211 patients in the main group; t=3.96; p<0.001).
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