Changes in the microflora of the oral cavity in women during lactation
The aim of study The aim of our study was to study the microflora of the oral cavity in women during lactation. Research material. The study was initiated by 40 lactating women. Microbiological studies of the oral fluid and the presence of the periodontal sulcus of the patients examined by us were carried out during the period of 3.6 and 12 months of lactation. Results. Important component of oral microbiocenosis is Streptococcus salivarius. Its indicator was 2.6±2.0 x104 CFU/ml for the 3rd month, which is significantly higher than the norm. At the 6th month, you can see that the number of lactobacilli is stabilizing and is 2.1 ± 1.55 x103, there is also a decrease in the percentage of Streptococcus salivarius and Str.mitis by 23% and 31%, respectively, and a decrease in the dynamics of Corynebacterium spp. equal to 2.1±1.8 x103 CFU/ml. At the 12th month, stabilization of the oral microflora was observed, as evidenced by the quantitative content of gram-negative anaerobic bacteria Prevotella sp and Veillonella sp. 3.91±0.50 x102 and 2.8±0.5x103, respectively, which is closer to normal. Conclusions. During lactation, due to the shift of the environment to the acidic side, an increase in undesirable microorganisms occurs, which leads to an increase in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Thanks to the implementation of hygiene measures and the stabilization of the alkaline environment, a positive microbiocenosis is formed, which has a positive effect on the quality of life of patients.
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