Personification of pharmacotherapy - the requirement of the time

Personification of pharmacotherapy - the requirement of the time


  • Д.М. Мусаева Бухарского государственного медицинского института имени Абу Али ибн Сино МЗ


cytochrome P450, gene polymorphism, MDR-1 gene, CYP2C19 gene, acid-dependent diseases of the digestive system, personification of pharmacotherapy.


The article notes that pharmacotherapy taking into account the patient's genotype is a young direction
that improves the safety and effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for acid-dependent diseases of the digestive system.
Determining the patient's genetic affiliation by polymorphisms of the MDR-1 and CYP2C19 genes makes it possible to
initially determine the tactics of treatment with proton pump inhibitors and other drugs in patients with acid-dependent
diseases, which serves as the basis for personifying the pharmacotherapy of diseases.


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