Epidemiology of maxillary odontogenic sinusitis and principles of treatment of patients in hospital
sinusitis,, chronic odontogenic sinusitis, chronic perforated sinusitis, maxillary cyst, radical maxillary sinusectomyAbstract
The article presents the results of a retrospective epidemiological analysis (REA) of morbidity (incidence)
according to diseases card (70 case diseases card of inpatients) and journals of records of surgical interventions
of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Ivanovo Regional Clinical Hospital, Ivanovo, from 2017 to 2020 y.
The frequency of occurrence of maxillary odontogenic sinusitis was studied according to the identified signs-criteria
(diagnosis, causative teeth, gender, age, hospitalization period, seasonality and method of treatment).
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