A new device in dentistry for determining pain sensitivity of the oral mucosa

A new device in dentistry for determining pain sensitivity of the oral mucosa


  • Н.С. Рузуддинов Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби
  • С.А. Гаффоров Центр развития профессиональной квалификации медицинских работников
  • С. Рузуддинов Высший медико-стоматологический колледж профессора Рузуддинова
  • А.Р. Фазылова Алматинский университет Энергетики и Связи им. У. Даукеева
  • К.Н. Рузуддинова Международный университет «Синергия»


dentistry,, research methods, oral mucosa, pain and discrimination sensitivity, medical appliances or device.


An improved device for determining the pain sensitivity of the oral mucosa. It includes a rod with a probe,
a cylinder, a pressure sensor, a vinyl tube, wires, a battery, a microcontroller and an LCD display for converting and
processing the signal from the sensor and displaying information to them. A device for measurement was made in the
clinic of orthopedic dentistry. 10 patients with complete absence of teeth were studied. The advantages of the device
have been established, such as low material consumption and portability of the device, which makes it possible to use
it at any dental chair and the possibility of measuring at any point of the oral mucosa.


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