Changes in rheological properties of blood in patients with acute rhinosinusitis after coronavirus infection

Changes in rheological properties of blood in patients with acute rhinosinusitis after coronavirus infection


  • I.I. Ismoilov Tashkent State Dental Institute
  • D.F. Shamsiev Tashkent State Dental Institute



acute rhinosinusitis, coronavirus infection, blood rheology, microcirculation


The results of studying the rheological properties of blood in 55 patients with acute rhinosinusitis after coronavirus infection are presented. The following main parameters were determined in patients: blood viscosity, erythrocyte aggregation coefficient, degree of erythrocyte deformability, average volume of one erythrocyte, hematocrit, fibrinogen, morphological properties of erythrocytes. In all examined patients with acute rhinosinusitis after coronavirus infection, the rheological properties of the blood are sharply impaired. The severity of violations of the rheological properties of blood depended not only on the type of disease, but on its severity and the degree of intoxication of the body. A change in blood viscosity was found in all examined patients. Indicators of blood viscosity increased sharply in proportion to the severity and prevalence of the inflammatory process and the severity of destructive changes in the affected organs.


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