Clinical and cytological characteristics of the course of the wound process after uranoplasty in children with congenital cleft lip and palate
congenital cleft lip and palate, cytological examination of the oral mucosa, infected wound, suture divergenceAbstract
Purpose of the study. Study of the course of wound healing after uranoplasty in children with congenital
cleft lip and palate. Material and methods. To study the processes of regeneration, a cytological study of smears from
the lateral sections of the palate wounds was carried out. The study found that regardless of the method of postoperative
care in all the studied groups, the repair process has a phase character. Results and its discussion. With traditional
treatment, in 7 (50%) of 21 children, the wound became infected, and inflammatory phenomena developed in the
soft palate (along line A) and uvula. As a result of treatment, on the 4-5th day, the sutures were in an unsatisfactory
condition. In 2 children, by the 8-9th day of treatment, a partial divergence of the sutures was observed. In 5 children, the
postoperative wound healed by secondary healing, which led to palatopharyngeal insufficiency. Conclusions. A study
of the cytology of the mucous membrane of the hard palate after surgery showed that the healing of a postoperative
wound characterizes one of the sides of the adaptive-compensatory reactions of the body.
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