Dynamic changes in clinical and functional parameters during treatment using low-frequency ultrasound in children with chronic rhinosinusitis
chronic rhinosinusitis, children, low-frequency ultrasound, cavitation, diagnosis, treatment effectiveness, otolaryngologyAbstract
The article highlights the topical issue of chronic rhinosinusitis in children, investigated in the framework of a clinical study conducted at the otolaryngological department of the Bukhara State Medical Institute. The study included 109 children aged 5 to 17 years old, who were randomly divided into two groups to compare the effectiveness of two treatment methods: cavitated low-frequency ultrasound and traditional nasal cavity sanitation. Diagnostic techniques are described in detail, including nasal endoscopy, computed tomography of the sinuses, as well as laboratory tests that allowed us to confirm the diagnosis of acute bacterial rhinosinusitis and assess its severity. The article also presents the results demonstrating a statistically significant improvement in the condition in the main group compared with the control group, which confirms the potential high efficacy and safety of using cavitated low-frequency ultrasound in the complex therapy of rhinosinusitis. Special attention is paid to the description of the mechanisms of action of ultrasound, including its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and draining properties, which makes this study an important contribution to the development of treatment methods for acute rhinosinusitis in children. This article will be useful for practicing otorhinolaryngologists, pediatricians, as well as researchers interested in new approaches to the treatment of respiratory infections.
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