Comparative aspects of surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Comparative aspects of surgical treatment of chronic tonsillitis


  • Kh.E. Karabaev Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
  • E.S. Nizamova Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
  • Sh.R. Mamatova Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute


chronic tonsillitis, tonsillectomy, laser tonsillectomy, thermal welding, traditional tonsillectomy, postoperative complications of tonsillectomy, coblation method, electrocoagulation, cold plasma tonsillectomy


Purpose of the study: to identify, based on modern literature data regarding the comparative characteristics of various methods of tonsillectomy, which of the methods of tonsillectomy (classical method, laser, cold plasma, thermal welding, electrocoagulation) is the most comfortable and acceptable for both the surgeon and the patient, what are the disadvantages and the advantages of each of these methods. Materials and methods: modern literary sources (monographs, articles, publications, scientific research data), which reflect the results of using various methods of tonsillectomy and their comparative characteristics according to such criteria as the amount of perioperative blood loss, dissection time, intensity of postoperative pain. Results: Currently, there is a wide variety of different methods of tonsillectomy, most of which are based on various options for physical impact on tissue; each method has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, the choice of one or another tosillectomy method directly depends on many factors (the patient’s age, the presence of concomitant diseases), and the effectiveness of its assessment should be carried out according to certain criteria, both in relation to the surgeon and in relation to the patient . Despite the wide choice of methods, the tonsillectomy technique is still not perfect, even despite the long path of its development.


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