Efficiency of rehabilitation of prelingual patients after cochlear implantation

Efficiency of rehabilitation of prelingual patients after cochlear implantation


  • Z.H. Karimova ООО «INVIVO»
  • H.M. Matkuliev ООО «INVIVO»
  • N.I. Musaeva ООО «INVIVO»


cochlear implantation, rehabilitation after cochlear implantation, LING test, DATA logging, SHL


According to WHO data for 2024, the number of people with CI has exceeded 700,000 people and this number is growing from year to year. The purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients after cochlear implantation for 3 years. Material and methods of the study: we selected 100 prelingual patients of different age categories without concomitant neurological and other pathologies. The study showed that the effectiveness of rehabilitation of prelingual patients after cochlear implantation directly depends on the duration of wearing the speech processor and the child's environment, while the involvement of family members in the rehabilitation process is of no small importance, who should take an active part in communicating with the child after the operation.


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