A modern approach to the diagnosis and treatment of children's teeth-jaws in respiratory pathologies

A modern approach to the diagnosis and treatment of children's teeth-jaws in respiratory pathologies


  • S.A. Gafforov Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers
  • G.A. Fazilbekova Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers
  • M.I. Gafforova Center for the Development of Professional Qualifications of Medical Workers




face-jaw, anomaly and deformity, dentistry, bronchial asthma, respiratory distress, caries, parodont,, floor of sludge


There are respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma in children and adolescents, diseases of the dentition tissue, parodont and mucous membrane of the oral cavity (OС), a large number and severe clinical form are observed, a connection between severe and dangerous course of tooth-jawanomaly (TJA) and deformities (TJD) is based. Children and adolescents in the group of studies face-jaw, chronic hypoxia in the joints, protein breakdown of fats, protease activity and negative changes in the hormone can increase pathogenic microbes in the oral fluid, demineralize the tooth, reduce immunity and cause caries, parodontal diseases, minimize the negative effect of hypoxia and oxidation of local tissue with the help the effectivenessof orthodontic devices. AIM: It consists in the diagnosis, prevention and improvement of treatment of congenital and increased maxillofacial defects in children and adolescents with respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma, and taking into account the condition of local and systemic adaptation-compensation when using various orthodontic devices. MATERIAL AND METHODS. During 2020-2021, 225 children and adolescents aged 7-18 years who turned to a pulmanologist specialist and were under medical dispensary supervision; including 180 diagnoses of bronchial asthma and 45 somatically healthy, clinical, anthropometric, functional, dental, biochemical, biophysical, immunological and statistical examination methods were carried out among the existing patients TJA and TJD. RESULTS: As a result of the study, it was shown that in patients with bronchial asthma, diseases of the dentition tissue, parodont and OC, the formation of severe and dangerous manifestations of TJA and TJD at an early age, chronic hypoxia in the maxillofacial joints, protein breakdown of fat breakdown, protease activity and negative changes in the hormone, pathogenic microbes multiply in the oral fluid, cause The complex approach for the purpose of treatment is based on the positive displacement of the hypoxia and oxidation process in the local tissue with the help of non - removable orthodontic devices, an improvement in the proliferation of soft tissue of the alveolar sphere. CONCLUSION: The conclusion of the results of the study were reflect in the presence of the main importance of chronic respiratory failure in the early formation of TJA and TJD among children and adolescents, in the correlation of age groups of children and in the period of formation of the face and jaw and organs. Scientific and practical results were reflect in the correct selection and positive results of a complex treatment-prophylactic approach in treatment and early diagnosis.


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