Improving the quality of treatment using digital technologies in patients wearing removable prostheses

Improving the quality of treatment using digital technologies in patients wearing removable prostheses


  • N.S. Ruzuddinov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • S.A. Gafforov The Center for the Development of professional qualifications of Medical Workers
  • S.S. Gafforova Tashkent State Dental Institute


Dentures, technology, defects of dentures, hygienic condition, technological recommendations


The need for complete and partially removable dentures is high, and the technological characteristics of the raw materials used in the manufacture of dentures are of great importance not only for the quality of the prosthesis, but also for improving the hygienic condition of the oral cavity. CAD/ CAM is based on the extensive use of technologies for the manufacture of dentures, improving the quality of prosthetics and making positive changes in the social life of patients, taking into account the sensory points of the oral cavity of the thoracic spine. The purpose of the study. Using digital technologies, it consists in improving the methods of production of high-quality NWPS for the orthopedic dentistry clinic using modern, effective materials, techniques and technologies from the field of clinical, functional, physical and mechanical engineering. Object and methods of research. From Almaty, Kazakhstan – 208, and from the region – 318, a total of 526 respondents were interviewed, including 152 men (28.8%), 374 women (71.2%). The study used methods aimed at developing a clinical classification in the field of torus, as well as physical and mechanical properties of prosthetic raw materials – resistance to compression and cracking, statistical bending tests, hardening methods. The results are obtained. As a result of the research, a new classification of pain-sensitive points of perception in the sky was proposed and author's patents were obtained, as well as a technological description of raw materials in the manufacture of prostheses of various compositions, their compliance with clinical, microbiological and laboratory characteristics, the use of the prosthesis was scientifically justified. Conclusion. The level of need for orthopedic dental care among Аlmaty city and population was studied, depending on age characteristics, the predominance of digital technologies in the manufacture of dental prostheses showed not only the technological quality of dentures, but also positive clinical advantages.


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КР 7565-сонли 12.09.2022 йилдаги фойдали модел патенти. Муаллифлар: Рузуддинов Нурмухамет Саурбекович (КР), Фазылова Алина Ринатовна (КР), Гаффоров Суннатулло Амруллоевич (УзР), Рузуддинов Саурбек (КР), Рузуддинова Каламкас Нурлановна (КР)

КР 19.08.2021-йил. №65692 ва КР. 26.07.2022- йилдаги №7577 сонли фойдали модел патенти. Муаллифлар: Рузуддинов Саурбек Рузуддиновичович (КР))




